Mesothelioma Resources has been dedicated to delivering the most comprehensive and complete mesothelioma information on the web. We specialize helping people understand the dangers that are associated with asbestos and asbestos exposure. Please browse through our resource library to find any information you may be looking for. If you have any more questions, or believe that you or a loved one have been exposed to asbestos, please fill out the form below.
There are some traditional and some exciting new ways to treat mesothelioma. When diagnosed with Mesothelioma, one must act quickly and can at times feel overwhelmed with information. There are four main ways for treating Mesothelioma that your family's doctor may recommend. You can read more about those treatments here or go directly to a type of treatment using our menu.
Mesothelioma Treatment Links:
When someone finds out that a loved one has been affected by mesothelioma, it is important to consider where that loved one could have been exposed to asbestos. Many years ago, asbestos was handled frequently for various trades, occupations, manufacturing jobs, shipyard work all across the country, and removal purposes. We've compiled a list of job sites that we know utilized large amounts of asbestos. Chances are that if you're loved one worked at one of the job sites in our database, there were many other people at the same job site victimized as well. Chances are even greater that the employer of your loved one knew about it.
Click a state to view a full list of jobsites in a specific area.
AK | AL | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | DE | FL | GA | HI |
IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | KY | LA | MA | MD | ME | MI | MN |
MO | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NH | NJ | NM | NV | NY | OH |
OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA |
WI | WV | WY |
When faced with something as terrible as this, one of the last things people think about is money. The reality is that there may be millions of dollars available to your family, particularly depending on the contact your loved one had with asbestos at particular job sites. Dealing with and choosing a lawyer can be equally as difficult. States have developed statutes of limitation, which means that you must act quickly if you are going to seek financial assistance. MesotheliomaHealth can put you in touch with a choice of some of the nation's most successful and compassionate Mesothelioma attorneys in the US. We've included a valuable FAQ to help guide you through this process.